Case Study - 🪷 Kokoro Holistic Website
A responsive marketing and booking website for a small business based in Bedfordshire.
I've worked previously with this small business to create the brand identity, collateral and social media presence. The next stage in the evolution was to design and build this informative marketing website which also acts as a booking platform for their clients.
Lead Designer
2023 - Ongoing
Kokoro Holistic Massage & Skin Care
Design & build of responsive, customer facing, marketing and service booking website
Problem Statement
Other websites in this category (especially local businesses) do not have enough details about the treatments offered and are not written professionally. The booking system in this industry is very manual.
Value Proposition
Marketing massage and facial services with a particular emphasis on Pregnancy Massage - while providing detailed information on each treatment to be informative and anticipate any questions a user may have. The website should allow a user to research which treatment is correct for them and provide an easy and frictionless way to book it.
Hypothesis to Validate
An informative, responsive and accessible marketing website that is linked to a sleek and easy booking platform should lead to an increase in conversions. Effective SEO and content refresh will lead to this goal.
Moving on to Design & Build
I chose to build this website using a flexible online editor: Wix. With past experience using Wordpress and SquareSpace, I have found Wix to be a much more flexible and customisable platform with great back-end analytics to track KPI's.
In terms of UI design - After a discussion with the client, it was decided that due to budget constraints we shouldn't go down the route of custom illustration and creating a highly stylised website. I proposed a mock up UI design of the home page using a high contrast design system (accessibility), big imagery of treatments and snackable-sized copy, but plenty of it to hit the informative goal.
Below are some examples of the live site as it currently stands.
This is currently an ongoing project with the first MVP release having gone live in May '23, and subsequent content updates of the 'About' and 'Mobile' pages.
There are more updates in the continuing roadmap to make this website much bigger and SEO friendly - like blog posts, social integration and connection to a live chat so a customer can get a 1:1 response rate of queries.
The KPI results have proven that the website has aided in increased bookings and conversions directly because of the informative content and sleek booking API that was chosen.
There has also been a reduction in first-contact questions before bookings were made, directly because of the informative approach that this website takes.